know more about Chhitopaisa

Mostly all the services in Chittopaisa are free, there are a few services for which the users need to pay some charges.

Chhito Paisa Pvt. Ltd. is a Payment Service Provider licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank. It was established in July 2020 and has obtained operating license on March 2021. The company has gone-live into operation from 15th December 2021. The company is currently in process of integrating with service providers and multiple banks for various services.

Chhito Paisa sets to provide an easy-to-use digital wallet, for all people to exercise their financial power directly from their hands. An easy to integrate API based aggregator, for all Merchants/ Merchant groups. The key focus of the company to be the leading payment service provider by transforming communities through financial inclusion and delivering world class service through the blend of state-of-the-art technologies.

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